
Mystic Tree: A Special Type of .tree Domain


Within the .tree domains, pure numbers without leading zeros are defined as 'tree', while other categories (letters, numbers starting with 0, symbols, other languages, etc.) are classified as 'wood', which are regular domain names.

Among the tree category (numbers without leading zeros), we define domains with ethscription numbers as primes as "mystic trees".

*A prime number refers to a natural number greater than 1 that does not have positive divisors other than 1 and itself.

What is an Ethscription Number?

Within Ethscriptions, each ethscription has a corresponding unique and immutable number that represents the order in which that ethscription appears. As of September 10, 2023, this number has exceeded 1.18 million.

As shown below, numbers like '#1180743' are ethscription numbers.


On the Recent page of ethscriptions.com, you can see the latest things that have been ethscribed. For instance, the ethscription with the number 1180643 has content "31863.tree". It satisfies the criteria of being a "tree" as the domain prefix is a pure number without a leading zero and its ethscription number is a prime (1180643 is prime). Hence, 31863.tree is a mystic tree.

Last updated